Well, it's here! After traveling to the various LEAD Team Churches and other partner churches and drumming up interest wherever we could, we are finally going to get everyone together in one room who is interested in being a part of the new church. This is going to be an amazing event!
First of all, Tim Joye and I will be share in more detail our vision for this new church. Also, this is the first time we'll really get a glimpse of who God is drawing to be a part of things with us. Not to mention, this is the first time many of these people will get to meet other people who want to be a part of the church too. This night also marks the beginnings of forming and organizing leading up to the launch. Needless to say, this is an extremely important night in the story of this new church.
Please pray like you've never prayed before! Pray that things will go well during the Open House. Pray that the right people, the people God wants, will be there. Pray for the facility and staff where we are meeting, that we can have a positive impact on them while we're there. Pray for Tim and I (and our wives) as we share our hearts and what we believe God is doing. Pray for people's excitement to grow. Pray for God to stir people to want to be a part of this new church. Pray for the countless lives that God is going to reach through this church.
Sunday, October 14 5pm
Macomb Township Recreation Center
Child-Watch Provided (6mo-10yr)
Contact Josh Hossler with questions (info at right)
God has done some amazing things... God, this is all for you! Do your thing!