Had a great night of team building tonight as 26 of us (counting the wee ones) of us got together to talk and dream some more about the kind of church God has given us a vision for. It was hilarious to get to know all the strange little things that people enjoy. Tim Joye shared some thoughts about being connecting to other believers and encouraging each other. Then, yours truly, kicked the night of by sharing a few of my favorite things... Oprah Style (and yes, everyone went home with gifts... Milky Way Candy Bar, McDonalds Dollar, and a can of Mt. Dew).
Honestly though, the night wasn't the blow out we had hoped for. It's hard (even though it's important (even critical!)), to take the time necessary to build the foundation. Right now we're building the foundation. But, it's going to be a great foundation. (I'm excited about the people on the team!)
We also just took some time tonight to dream. We said, "Can you imagine what the next year or two are going to look like?!" It seems every great church plant has their story. "Yeah, we started with like 3-people in an alley behind... And now look where we are!" I wonder what our story is going to be. And I wonder who's going to be in it.
God, thanks for teaching me lessons. Thanks for teaching me about the amazing resilience of Daniel, a man who turned several world empires upside down (Daniel 1-6, some really great stuff). Thank you for teaching me not to despise the day of small things (Zech. 4:10). Thank you for placing a vision inside of our hearts for a church that goes after the unchurched, that even dares to run to them (Luke 15:20) without compromising. Thank you for running to us (ie - Christmas).