I thought of some Evident parallels to this and this is what came to mind. We've got a lot of things rolling these days that makes ministry fun, some tap in birdie kind of things.
We were just able to launch a new website and one of the best, lesser known features is online giving. Before you head into a tailspin about this, remember it's simply an alternative for giving and isn't necessarily for everyone. I would really encourage you to consider it though, whether you're an Evident regular or a distant observer/supporter.
For starters, it is definitely safe and easy. We take this very seriously and only the most trusted tools have been used to make this possible. Secondly, it also streamlines things. Raelyn and I have chose to do the Automated Bank Debit, which automatically draws money (an amount we determine and can change if ) out of our checking account and puts it into Evident's. It streamlines things for us personally (saving time and checks) and it also streamlines things for Evident (as more and more of you do this, accounting and tracking get easier).
Is it less spiritual? That's going to have to be something you hammer out personally. Scripture is to give, give generously, and give cheerfully. Automated giving helps me do that. Even though the giving is automated, I know my heart is in it and it also helps me to be more disciplined in my giving and not half-hazard.
There are a lot more things I could talk about, but to keep the post short I'll stop for now. God is doing some great things in and through Evident and it wouldn't be possible without the faithful and generous donations from the Evident church family and many of you. Online giving might be a good option for you. It makes things simple and easy and helps support what God is doing. Check out the "Give" page at www.EvidentChurch.com to learn more and definitely email me if you have questions.